Did anyone ever mention the Dreamcast in the House of Commons?

No. Which I know because a rather neat tool came up on social media this week, which very efficiently searches Hansard (the extensive official record of the UK House of Commons) for the first mention of any word or phrase. Inevitably I went straight to Dreamcast – but nothing. The first mention of Sega, however, …

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Nintendo knows exactly what it’s doing and/or has no idea

In the same week as a Nintendo Direct which included the confirmation of SNES games on Nintendo Switch Online, Nintendo has thrown this excellent teaser video out there: What is it? Why it’s some sort of ‘Nintendo Circle’ of course! The leading theory is something along the lines of Switch Sports or Switch Fit, and …

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E3 2015: Conference times, live streams and more

Bethesda starts off the E3 conferences this year. If you can stay wake until 3am (BST) expect to see lots of more of Fallout 4, Doom 4, Battlecry and the all-but-officially-confirmed Dishonored 2. Maybe a couple of other surprises – current-gen revamps of the original Dishonored and Fallout 3/New Vegas have been rumoured in the …

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E3 UK Times – Who, When, What?

It’s that time of year again. As most of you know, somewhere in America the annual gaming expo known as E3 (pronounced “eeeeeeeh!”) is happening. Specifically in Los Angeles from June 10-12th, but what does that mean for us British folk? The big publishers are all holding press conferences to showcase their new titles today …

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Mario Kart 8 – Review

By their nature, racing games are perfect system showcases. The rivalry between Saturn and PlayStation launch titles Daytona USA and Ridge Racer in particular had the ‘90s gaming press frothing with excitement. Even before that Nintendo’s F-Zero impressed just about everyone who laid eyes on it. Hot on the heels of F-Zero came the legendary …

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From Shilton to kilt on – it’s the week in pictures

It was Toy Fair 2014 at London’s Kensington Olympia this week. Video games didn’t exactly feature prominently, but Sonic was there. You can see him above, loitering in the background of a photo of event manager Simon Pilling. Sega weren’t exhibiting, so it’s hard to say exactly what Sonic was up to. Apart from loitering. …

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Nintendo Game Watch: Mario & Zelda not at their best

The tech press is getting in a right froth over smart watches. Honestly, don’t they remember the Game Watch? The calculator watch had been around since the 1970s, and a decade later the next step was the game watch. US company Nelsonic Industries was at the forefront of this exciting technological frontier. The games were …

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Rollcage tyre

For promotional use only

Everyone loves something for nothing, so when some freeness is offered as a bonus for pre-ordering, or dished out at a games show, you’re not going to turn it down, are you? But you’re also not going to use it, are you? Let’s see what tat’s been languishing in a box in the attic for …

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Dodgy devices and hideous handhelds

There’s a Hong Kong-based online retailer where, hidden away from the official console bundles and realms of third party peripherals, there’s a peculiar section titled “Other videogame consoles”. Here you’ll find a variety of dubious looking handhelds of all shapes and sizes, pre-loaded with hacks of NES games and more. We don’t condone piracy here …

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The exciting world of handheld aspect ratios

I was thinking about handheld screens recently – don’t ask – and a question occurred to me: when did everyone decide that, yes, widescreen definitely is the answer?

There’s only one way to answer that question: a scatter graph of screen width by year. WITH A TREND LINE.

Handheld Aspect Ratios

Look at that: what a trend line! Thanks to him, the gradual shift from nearly square screens (1:1) to widescreen (1.78:1 being the standard 16:9 widescreen TV aspect ratio) is clear to see. What a hero.

In fact, there was a square screen, on the not particularly legendary early ’90s Supervision – Quickshot or Watara, depending on your persuasion. The Game Boy and Game Gear were barely more rectangular, mind, at 1.11:1.

Around the same time, the Atari Lynx was being much more ambitious. The 1.57:1 aspect ratio nicely illustrates that: there’s nothing closer to widescreen on our graph until Sony with the PSP, 15 years later.

Around 2000, the next generation of handhelds started to move to slightly wider screens. Nintendo were strange ones around this time, the DS retreating back to 1.33:1 from the Game Boy Advance’s 1.5:1. They got back in line with the 3DS though, and a more respectable 1.67:1.

In fact, over the last few years it’s the iPhone 4 which looks most anachronistic, matching the Game Boy Advance’s aspect ratio of 1.5:1. Again, Apple got back in line though, with 1.78:1 – which looks close to an industry standard now – for the iPhone 5.

Analysis over. Source data follows, if that’s your thing.

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New gLTDs: no sign of .virtualboy

The web made a step towards being a whole lot bigger yesterday, when ICANN revealed the full list of potential new generic top-level domains – because .com is terribly 1985. Sony have gone for .playstation, .xperia and .sony. Microsoft are after a handful, including .microsoft, .xbox and .live – giving them the option of both …

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E3: Microsoft, Sony & Nintendo word clouds

By now, it’s no secret what Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo wanted to say at E3. In some cases it was never a secret, even if it was supposed to be. But what about how they said it? What can we glean from the the words they used? Unfortunately – and surprisingly – no-one on the …

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Nintendo’s pre-E3 news – Wii U Pro Controller, Miiverse and more

Nintendo’s decision to release a special pre-E3 edition of their news show Nintendo Direct has a slight knee-jerk feel to it. Most have assumed it’s because EA and Ubisoft are planning to show their Wii U titles at E3 on Monday, which is something they wouldn’t be able to do without showing off the new …

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