What Is This?
Games Asylum is a website with words and pictures – like Words and Pictures, the BBC schools programme, but about games. We like to wear our writing hat at a jaunty angle and try to make the sometimes tedious world of video games as entertaining as we can. As we’re based in the United Kingdom we tend to write from a British perspective. We launched the site in 2001 and have been writing things ever since, having never been told to stop.
We Made This
During the early days, Games Asylum was run by just three men: Adam, Jake, and Matt. Rich joined the team in 2008. There have been others at various points, such as Lauren, coming and going like ships in the night.
It all started in 2000 with DigiApe, a SEGA Dreamcast site. That lasted about a year and was relaunched in March 2001 as Games Asylum, a multi-format site. Over the years the site grew far too big and became almost like a real website. So we scaled it down in 2006 to something more manageable in our spare time. Which is what you see today.
We recently looked back at our 20-year history. Jumpers for goalposts, eh?
Anything Else?
You can follow us on Twitter, and Facebook. We also have a YouTube channel.
Occasionally we use Amazon Affiliate links, which helps keep our tea and coffee jars well stocked. Other than this, the site is proudly advert-free.
If you’d like us to review your game, our email address is below. We’ll do our best to find somebody within the team to cover it.
If you’re wondering what those numbers at the end of our reviews mean, they are the scores and they range from 1 to 10. A 5/10 represents an average score, halfway between excellent and terrible. 7/10 isn’t a bad score, see?
You stand the best chance of getting hold of us if you remove the obvious from this address.