God of War holds onto no.1 while both Nintendo Labo kits break top 20

Considering it’s still the talk of gaming town, it comes as no surprise to find God of War holding onto no.1 for the second week running.

And yes, it did face competition. The catchily named Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit entered at #3 – also topping the Switch chart – while the slightly more expensive Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit made #20 (#5 in the Switch chart).

Sticking with Switch, the handheld iteration of South Park: The Fractured But Whole propelled Ubisoft’s crude cartoon tie-in to #19 in the all-formats top 40.

GamesIndustry.biz reports the arrival of Labo helped shift additional Switch systems, as all the usual stalwarts (Zelda, Mario Kart 8, et al) enjoyed sales boosts last week.

Going back to the top ten, Far Cry 5, FIFA 18 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe remained at #2, #4 and #5 respectively. Fallout 4 rose one place to take #6 while Call of Duty: WWII re-entered the top ten at #7, up from #19.

Super Mario Odyssey and PUBG both dropped a couple of places meanwhile, now at #8 and #9. Good old GTA V sees us out at #10.

We expected to see Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality in the top 20, at the very least, but that was an unexpected no-show. It didn’t even manage to break the PS4 top 20.

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