This week’s UK chart is rather uneventful, all told. The big news is Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands has taken the top spot for a second week running, making it four in total.
The rest of the top ten sees a slight shuffle, with a top five comprising of GTA V, FIFA 17, LEGO Worlds and Rocket League.
At #6 it’s the return of Horizon: Zero Dawn, up from #11. Overwatch falls a few places to #7 while Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare drops to #8 ahead of this week’s CoD: WWII reveal.
After departing the top ten last week, Mass Effect Andromeda resurfaces at #9. Then at #10 it’s Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Switch.
Yooka-Laylee and LEGO City Undercover both depart the top ten meanwhile, falling to #15 and #11 respectively.
Dark Souls III: Fire Fades Edition was the only new entry in the entire top 40. Cities: Skylines did however manage to make an appearance in the Xbox One chart, albeit at a lowly #16.