UK top ten sees three new arrivals, including Valkyria Chronicles Remastered

Uncharted 4, DOOM, Homefront: The Revolution, Fire Emblem Fates and Valkyria Chronicles Remastered – these are the games the great British public opened their wallets for last week.

The top two positions in the UK top 40 remain unchanged, occupied by Uncharted 4 and DOOM. Sales of Uncharted were down 78% from launch week, reports Chart-Track, while DOOM only saw a 35% decline.

We imagine this is down to word of mouth starting to spread – the lack of pre-launch reviews more than likely prevented some gamers from rushing out to buy DOOM.

At #3 it’s the first of four new arrivals – Koch Media’s Homefront: The Revolution. The individual format chart reveals that the PS4 version was the biggest selling.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III drops one position to #4 and then at #5 it’s Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest meanwhile made #11. We didn’t expect to see such a big difference in sales.

SEGA’s budget priced Valkyria Chronicles Remastered entered at #6, which is mighty encouraging for the franchise’s future.

Tom Clancy’s The Division drops to #7, GTA V shifts to #8, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers holds onto #9 and then at #10 it’s FIFA 16.

Ratchet & Clank leaves the top ten this week, falling from #4 to #12. That’s nothing compared to Far Cry Primal though – Ubisoft’s series spin-off has gone all the way from #6 to #30. We have no idea why.

Battleborn is having a bad week too – it’s now at #27, and that’s despite a price cut to £29.99 at GAME.

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