[Updated] Tetris Forever will celebrate the series’ 40th anniversary

In addition to Worms Armageddon – Anniversary Edition, retro specialists Digital Eclipse are also working on Tetris Forever for Switch.

Launching to coincide with Tetris’ 40th anniversary, Tetris Forever will contain the original 1988 Famicom version of Tetris, Tetris 2 + BomblissTetris Battle Gaiden, and more.

An interactive museum will also feature, including documentary videos and digital artifacts. That’s not all – a new version of Tetris is being included. Tetris Time Warp takes elements from the series’ history, mixing things up frequently.

Tetris fans can also jump into the original NES version on Nintendo Switch Online later this year. A new Tetris 99 event will take place this winter too.

[UPDATE] A freshly issued press release confirms a multi-format release for late 2024, along with plans for 15 classic games in total – including an accurate recreation of the first version of Tetris on the Electronika 60 computer. The documentary features will exceed a runtime of 90 mins, promising the true story of Tetris.