Vagina Squez

It would appear that Activision’s Spanish for Everyone really isn’t a game for everyone, featuring a highly dubious plot containing hidden sexual overtones. Furthermore, the “exceedingly racial stereotypes” have prompted a few complaints, causing copies to be returned to US stores.

Spanish for EveryoneTen year old Shaun catches a ride to Mexico with his Aunt to get his DS back from his friend Miguel, who gets dragged into a limo being chased by police across the boarder.

It just so happens that his Aunt is called Gina Vasquez – an anagram of Vagina Squez – a lady who can “teach him many things”. Once in Mexico, Shaun roams the dangerous streets alone before meeting up with an “exporter” who eventually sends him on a trip with a “package”. A cut-scene then warns of a “new adventure” in the back of a truck. Then there’s a similarly suspicious scene with a talking bull, that’s currently proving popular on You Tube.

According to those who’ve played it, the actual ‘learning’ aspect is worthless. The four mini-games on offer are apparently impossible to play if you don’t know the basics of Spanish, while conjugating verbs and the difference between masculine and feminine nouns are totally ignored.

Sounds like the developers thought they’d have a laugh with this one…

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