I’m not sure if this has happened before, but the top three games in the chart are all football related – Pro Evolution 2008 sits right at the top, FIFA 08 at #2 and Football Manager 2008 at #3. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption enters at #7 and High School Musical: Makin’ the Cut has risen from #18 to #9. Ratatouille has scurried up too, from #7 to #5, but both Halo 3 and The Orange Box have fallen a couple of places.
Plenty of new entries elsewhere – The Sims 2: Castaway at #19, which will no doubt rise in the coming weeks, Tomb Raider Anniversary at #24, Thrillville: Off the Rails at #28 in is second week of release, Clive Barker’s Jericho at #26 and Drawn to Life at #31. Spare a thought for poor old Project Gotham Racing 4 though, which has dropped all the way from #6 to #18. THQ’s Jucied 2: Hot Import Nights on the other hand has gone from #20 to #13. It’s probably on offer somewhere.
Over in the single format charts, Virtua Fighter 5 goes in at #9 in the Xbox 360 chart, while SWAT Target Liberty enters the PSP chart at #19. Eye of Judgement on PlayStation 3 makes a surprisingly high appearance at #13. Surprising, because it’s almost £70 bloody quid.