EA must be told

EA have announced the full song list for ridiculous peripheral-fest Rock Band. And it’s fine – good, even. ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’ by The Ramones: excellent. And what’s that? A Pixies track? Sterling work, EA.

Except the line-up has been split helpfully into decades, and ‘Wave of Mutilation’ is filed under “2000s”. That’ll be a track off the 1989 Pixies album ‘Doolittle’. Just a bit off, then.

It’s clear to see where the error arose: ‘Wave of Mutilation’ is also the title of the Pixies best of album, released in 2004. Someone at EA clearly didn’t read their Google search results very closely.

Wired didn’t pick up the mistake, and they really should have. To their credit, 1UP did, and corrected it, but didn’t point out EA’s mistake.

There is nothing more important than the Pixies. These people need to be told, otherwise they’ll never learn.

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