Retroware spills new Toxic Crusaders info

Retroware has released a news update for their Toxic Crusaders side-scrolling brawler, based on the short-lived ‘90s cartoon, itself based on the cult movie series The Toxic Avenger. It seems the developer wished to address concerns after things went quiet following the recent Steam demo.

In their update video (below), Retroware reveals that they’ve been hard at work tweaking the combat system, adding new characters inspired by the Playmate’s toy line – including the cancelled second wave – and making sure each boss battle plays out differently. Every Toxic Crusader will be playable, and a new tag system is being implemented.

Retroware spills new Toxic Crusaders info

The presentation is also being bolstered with fully voiced comic book style cut-scenes between stages. Their creation saw the studio assist in remastering the cartoon series, even helping to release a new Blu-ray edition.

Limited Run Games are involved with the physical releases, the details of which are yet to be finalised. Retroware aims to release the physical and digital versions simultaneously on all formats, which has pushed the release date back to Q2 2025.

The team has also listened to feedback from the recent GI Joe, Karate Kid and Power Rangers scrolling brawlers. It’s our understanding a little bit of genre fatigue was creeping in. If there’s anyone who can rectify this, it’s Toxie.