Capcom’s taking us back to Willamette Mall, again, in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

Capcom’s 2006 shopping mall-based zombie slasher Dead Rising is getting a deluxe remaster in September, set to launch on PS5, Xbox Series and Steam. While many would have appreciated a new game in the series, it’s still pleasing to see Capcom hasn’t ditched the IP entirely after the middling reception to Dead Rising 4.

The timing is odd, though – the PS4 and Xbox One received a more than sufficient HD version in 2016, with increased resolution and framerate. It’s still available to purchase, at least at the time of typing, for a mere £8.99.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

This new deluxe version is set to cost £39.99 (£49.99 for the digital deluxe version) – although it is more than another spit and polish. It’s powered by RE ENGINE and runs at 4K/60fps while featuring improved character models, the ability to move while aiming, camera filters, auto-save functionality, real-time lighting/shadows, improved NPC behaviours, refined controls, and a user-friendly interface.

All NPCs are now fully voiced, too, with lines recorded in nine different languages.

We’ve always had a soft spot for Dead Rising, relishing its combination of absurdity and violence, but this entry has always been the hardest to go back to. We’re concerned that it’ll be largely the same game underneath – even the 2016 version was showing its age.

Capcom likely plans to give the whole series the deluxe remaster, so it does at least make sense to start with the original. Jumping straight to Dead Rising 2 would’ve raised a few eyebrows. Dammed if you do, etc.