Three cheers for THQ’s mid-tier pricing model

Considering around 50% of UK games sales are digital nowadays, it’s somewhat reassuring to see that THQ (née Nordic Games) still provides physical options for all their PS4/Xbox One titles. It’s their lower budget titles that have caught our collective eye, launching for around £15 on the same day as their digital counterparts. Not some …

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WWE Smackdown vs Raw

THQ’s WWE games – Smackdown and out

If you’re a wrestling fan, there’s a good chance you could be a thirteen year old boy. Coincidentally, THQ’s WWE SmackDown! series has been dominating the wrestling videogame scene for just over thirteen years. So THQ’s WWE games could be all you’ve ever known, virtual wrestling-wise, if you are indeed thirteen. “THQ almost managed to …

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A New Year visit to THQ

Another stop on our non-stop tour of the gaming world via Google Street View. Yes, that definitely makes sense. 2012 was not a good year for THQ. Edge carried a rather good summary of their year as one of their Stories of 2012 last week, but in short: job losses, financial losses, studio closures, holding …

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Where did all the movie tie-ins go?

Ten years ago movie tie-ins were incredibly lucrative and publishers were quite happy to make games out of anything they thought might turn a quick profit, even if the source material wasn’t ideally suited to being turned into a game. Looking back through the release lists, a decline in movie tie-ins has been happening since …

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2011 – year of the Russian doll?

With Costume Quest done and dusted, Double Fine have now started to detail their next game – a third-person adventure entitled Stacking. The game gets its peculiar name from the fact that it stars Russian stacking dolls, with the aim being to help re-unite the youngest one with his family. As long as another character …

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