Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection – Review

Chances are even Capcom themselves would admit the first Street Fighter was downright terrible. An exercise in sheer frustration, it suffered from jerky animation, unreliable controls, and botched mechanics. Special moves, which rarely worked, could remove 70% of an opponent’s health in one swoop, making the regular kicks and punches almost redundant. It’s a series …

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Pokémon Quest, Yoku’s Island Express, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection and more hit the Switch this week

Most gamers who grew up in the early ‘90s will doubtlessly remember encountering Street Fighter II for the first time. A one-on-one beat’em up like no other, it was an instant classic thanks to its memorable characters, instantly compelling gameplay, satisfying to perform special moves, and catchy background music. Guile’s theme goes with everything, lest …

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Out this week: Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, SEGA Mega Drive Classics, Agony, Yoku’s Island Express, Moonlighter, more

Like a nationalised railway service, the gaming industry was seemingly distributed by the bank holiday. Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, SEGA Mega Drive Classics, Agony, and Yoku’s Island Express all launched at midnight on Tuesday, or thereabouts, but due to the long weekend reviews didn’t go live until later that morning. In the case of …

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