Zurg versus Zerg

UK Charts Toy Story 3 has claimed its third consecutive #1, which is more than any other Disney published title before it. So far this year only 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa, Red Dead Redemption and Just Dance have stayed longer at the top of the chart. Nintendo’s Art Academy has had a very …

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Starcraft II sells well, unsurprisingly

UK Charts Activision Blizzard’s PC RTS Starcraft II has gone straight to #1, selling more copies in the UK in just one week than the original’s entire UK lifetime sales. Chart Track tells us that the original – which was released in 1998 – entered the chart at #24 and that it wasn’t even the …

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Starry eyed surprise

This Week’s Games If you’re lucky enough to be going away on holiday this year then Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies on DS is an essential purchase for those long waits at the airport. It’s about as good as RPGs get, with just about everybody giving it 9/10. On Wii this week …

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