Another week, another hack and slasher

Last week Crysis 3 and Metal Gear Rising went head-to-head, resulting in a bloody battle for the top position in the UK chart. Konami’s hack and slasher missed out on the top spot by 5,500 copies, having to make do with #2. Had it been released this week, a week that sees very little of …

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Only PS3 owners have time for Marty McFly

Another week, another new UK #1. This week it’s the turn of Sniper Elite V2, which must be a good cause for celebration at Rebellion seeing as their last game – NeverDead – sunk without trace. Prototype 2 drops down to #2 and is followed by FIFA 12, FIFA Street and Mass Effect 3. This …

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Gore blimey – it’s Sniper Elite V2

The original Sniper Elite on PlayStation 2 and Xbox became something of a cult classic. A quick look on Amazon reveals that even the 2010 Wii version has held its value, with the current cheapest copy knocking on for £18. As such, there’s probably more people eagerly awaiting Sniper Elite V2 than most realise. It’s …

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