Shoot to Killzone

American gamers have had their beloved PlayStation 4 consoles for a few weeks now, thus giving those living outside the US an early heads-up about to what expect from the launch titles. Killzone: Shadow Fall follows suits from the rest of the games in the series – oh so pretty, but lacking any true innovation. …

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Killzone, Knack and Resogun reviews pour in

First-party PlayStation 4 game reviews went up earlier this afternoon, lighting up the likes of Twitter with some heated discussion. The main reason for this is that review scores have been, somewhat predictably, mixed. Killzone: Shadow Fall has been noted as being pretty but vacuous by many critics, while not every reviewer found solace in …

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Eurogamer Expo: PlayStation 4 hands-on

Our first taste of the PlayStation 4 was not with Killzone, Driveclub or even inFAMOUS, but rather Activision’s Skylanders Swap Force. This was mostly because the queues to play those games were approaching two hours at the time. Nevertheless, Skylanders did a cracking job at introducing us to the newfangled DualShock 4 controller. It wasn’t …

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