Captain LittleBigPlanet

Super sequel LittleBigPlanet 2 has managed to take the top spot of the all formats chart this week. Shoving Call of Duty: Black Ops off the top must surely feel like an achievement for Media Molecule. Or should that say ‘like a trophy’? Probably not, as that wouldn’t make much sense. With the bleated PlayStation …

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The sackboys are back in town

If there’s one game that has been making reviewers smile recently it’s LittleBigPlanet 2. This time round you’re not limited to just making levels to explore but full arcade-like games. All well and good, but there’s a chance Sony might yank your creations if they’re too close to the arcade originals – somebody made a …

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Littlebigplanet 2: daunting or exciting?

I find Littlebigplanet daunting. Admittedly I only have the PSP version, but I’m scared to death of attempting to build my own level. It just seems like an awful lot of work, and I’ll only make an utter mess of it. So the concept of Littlebigplanet 2 – build your own entire game of pretty …

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