2013: Ten games you may have missed

Over the past few months alone we’ve seen the release of two new consoles, revamps of both the PS Vita and 3DS, plus some much needed big-name titles for the Wii U. That’s before we’ve even taken into account the release of GTA V, a game proclaimed to be not just the best game of …

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Assassin’s Creed and Battlefield: the war of the fours

Two big games this week. You may have noticed. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag first, if only because it started bothering the world on Tuesday. It’s been sailing through a sea of 9s, including Eurogamer, GameSpot and CVG. CVG also lobbed a 9 Battlefield 4‘s way, while Eurogamer and GameSpot went with 8s. It’s not …

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