Call of Duty: WWII claims a fifth week at no.1

The UK top five remains unchanged this week, despite a 24% decrease in sales after Black Friday. This means Call of Duty: WWII celebrates a fifth week at the top of the chart, putting it on par with Activision’s own Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy – the previous record holder for weeks held at no.1 in …

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Call of Duty: WWII’s sales were 57% higher than Infinite Warfare

We expected chart compilers Gfk to provide a whole host of Call of Duty related statistics this week, but they simply state that Call of Duty: WWII‘s sales were 57% higher than Infinite Warfare, while revenue was up 21%. The ‘Legacy Edition’ of Infinite Warfare was remarkably popular, hence why the figure for WWII’s revenue …

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