Retro collections – invaluable portals back to misspent youth

Regular readers will know that we’ve always had a soft spot for retro collection, and so we’ve rounded up eight of the best. Inexpensive and often containing one or two games that would cost a small fortune if purchased for their original hardware, all of the below offer decent value for money as well as …

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Five ideas for the next Animal Crossing

Every Nintendo format from the N64 onwards has received an Animal Crossing game, so it stands to reason that the series will appear on Wii U at some point. Here are five ideas we’d like to see in the future. Metal Detectors The museum has always been Animal Crossing’s focal point – something to fill …

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Happy Street – the iPhone’s Animal Crossing

Going by the product description for Happy Street alone it does sound like a blatant clone of Nintendo’s Animal Crossing. The idea behind it is identical, at least – to create a community for overwhelmingly cute animals to inhabit. They even talk in similar garbled tones. When playing it though it doesn’t take much more …

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