Aliens: Dark Descent review

The concept of a top-down RTS set in the Aliens universe doesn’t leave all that much to the imagination. It’s easy to envision grey industrial facilities with strip lighting and low-lying fog, inside of which a squad of cautious Colonial Marines slowly step forward. “We’ve got movement!” one yells, prompting a drop-down menu of available …

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Aliens: Dark Descent set to offer squad-based action on consoles and PC

Following on from Aliens: Fireteam Elite’s success, publisher Focus Entertainment has revealed they have a second Aliens game in the works. Aliens: Dark Descent comes from Tindalos Interactive (Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, Etherium) and takes the form of a single player squad-based action game with real-time combat. Customize your squad of Colonial Marines and send them into battle, …

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