Pixel perfect

Retro box art can be a great source of amusement, as proved by the artwork for the first ever Mega Man game. The wags over at The Minus World have decided to go one step further and knock up some retro-style artwork for current releases including Bioshock, No More Heroes and Portal. The result? Like …

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Mario’s a family guy

Family Guy and American Dad creator Seth McFarlane is branching out into animated shorts, with the first an amusing little parody of Super Mario. Sponsored by Burger King! This about a dog on a gameshow is better still.

Dead system, new game

I’ve just found out that – for some bizarre reason – EA released Madden NFL 09 on the original Xbox last month. It’s the first game to be released on the deceased system for over a year – the last game was Madden NFL 08 on precisely 14th August 2007. The last PAL release, if …

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Spore – a quick summary

8 years in the making, 5 hours to play through from single celled organism to galactic empire… Half that time was spent in the editor too. A case of a brilliant concept, with lavish development, then bugger all actual game? It’s not that Spore’s bad (the editor and creature stage is all rather good fun), …

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EA – exceptionally arrogant

To promote today’s release of Mercenaries 2: World In Flames, EA attempted to recreate scenes of a fuel crisis in Venezuela, as found in the game, but in North London. Hands up who thinks that’s a good idea. The only people to put their hands up are in EA’s marketing department. And they’re all idiots. …

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Fuck you, WWE!

Apologies for the harsh language there, but you may (or may not) have noticed that Games Asylum’s YouTube page has been permanently disabled. Occasionally we’d get the odd e-mail from EA and other publishers via YouTube claiming copyright on videos that we uploaded, but they didn’t mind us uploading them. And why would they? We’re …

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Too: Many: Colons

While the PSP is currently surviving on slim pickings, the PlayStation 2 continues to fade out gracefully with news that Rebellion are working on Call of Duty: World at War: Final Fronts for the system. It’s not a conversion of either the upcoming Wii or PlayStation 3 versions of World of War, but a new …

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Achievement article unlocked

Now this is a nice little idea. After registering and inputting your Xbox 360 Gamertag on True Achievements you see what your real Gamerscore is, based on how rare your unlocked achievements are and how hard they actually are to obtain. Have a read of the about page – it’s quite funny. Turns out my …

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When’s a game not a game?

The DS is turning into quite a versatile format for ‘non-games’. Already the honourable handheld has seen brain training programs, interactive cook books, various language teaching guides, driving test quizzes and a guide to quitting smoking. So what’s next? How about Sommelier – a wine tasting guide, in which you can read about thousands of …

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Retrobating – not as dirty as it sounds

Retro Gamer Magazine has updated their website, but instead of a just giving it a coat of new pixel paint they’ve given it a jolly good overhaul including the ability to become a ‘Retrobater’. Stop laughing at the back there. Once a profile has been created you’re then able to upload profiles of classic (and …

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Not a book in sight

Although the Games Convention was going on in Germany at the weekend, I chose to keep an eye on the world of video games from the less obvious surrounds of the Reading Festival. But amongst the teenagers who’d written on themselves and students with glowsticks, there was a reasonable amount to keep an eye on. …

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To Phil, love from Aunty Sony

It’s questionable whether this is meant to be for public viewing, but the company Build has uploaded images of the custom presentation piece Sony gave to Phil Harrison when he left the company to join Atari. If you can’t be bothered to click on the link, six layers of plexi-glass have been used to give …

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Kellogg’s Frosties – now with added guitars

I expect we’re all guilty of picking out breakfast cereal as a child just for the free toy inside. Even on the wrong side of my 20s, I’d be tempted by one of the LCD Guitar Hero toys being packed inside Kellogg’s cereal. I bet the music’s a bit rubbish though. They’re North America only …

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Men with odd shaped balls

Madden 09 is out, so it’s not going to be hard to guess what the best selling game this month in the US will be. If memory serves, last year’s iteration managed to get quite high in the UK chart, but I’d be surprised if it gets into the top ten. The Wii version is …

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Three more cheers for the Overlord

Codemasters’ Overlord was one of last year’s hidden gems and recently found a new lease of life on PlayStation 3. Sale figures must have pleased Codemasters, as not only is there going to be a sequel, but versions for Wii and DS too. The Wii is getting Overlord Dark Legend. It’s a brand new game, …

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