Outshine review

I always enjoy discovering new typing games. I can max out my typing speed at around 110 words per minute, so not only am I good at the game itself but writing the review only takes about ten minutes out of my day. It’s very efficient. That’s not hyperbole, either. I really am good at …

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Big Bang Pro Wrestling review

For all the talk (and there’s a lot of it) present in Pro Wrestling, sometimes, what you actually want is to pick up a dude and slam him repeatedly on a tightly stretched canvas until you can pin him for three seconds. There’s a gladiatorial purity to the spectacle (which I’m hesitant to call a …

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Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? review

Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? is a horror game. If you’ve looked at the screenshots, and you’re thinking “What are you talking about?”, let me set it up for you. You’re trapped in a mandatory ‘family fun’ Zoom call with half a dozen horrible relatives, for the purposes of appeasing your overbearing mother. If …

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Drill Deal – Oil Tycoon review

As tycoon management sims go, I can’t think of a less “modern day” approved context than an oil rig platform. Not to get all Greenpeace, but it feels like a tonal anachronism to be pleasantly clicking around a voxel-based cutesy crude oil drilling platform, trying to squeeze the most profit out of black liquid gold …

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Heroes of Loot 2 (Switch) review

Random generation has been a boon for indie developers the world over. Used correctly, it can add near-infinite variety and replayability to your game, providing something fresh and new for your players over multiple hours of playtime. However, it’s a bit of a double-edged sword, because if it’s mishandled, what you’ll end up with is …

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Trigger Dungeon review

Some games revel in your success, pushing you onwards to greater and more satisfying accomplishments in the moment-to-moment loop. Trigger Dungeon would like you to die and suffer while you’re doing it. Immediately familiar to anyone with a history of ‘rage games’ (I Wanna Be The Guy, et al), Trigger Dungeon isn’t so much about …

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Labyrinth Legend review

Labyrinth Legend is an early entry into the 2022 competition for World’s Most Generic Game Title, and it revels in following that genericness down to the gameplay. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s an isometric 2D pixel art action-RPG dungeon crawler, a sentence more complicated than the actual moment to moment action is. Pick …

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Shinorubi – Preview (Early Access)

Bullets, bright colours, flashing lights and death. If that sounds like a good time to you, then Shinorubi should probably be on your radar. Releasing in Early Access 20th January, it follows in the footsteps of genre titans like Do-Don-Pachi and, well, everything else Cave ever made. Fast-paced vertically-scrolling shooting with a high skill ceiling, …

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