Bite off more than you can chew in Hangry

Canada-based Game Pill are gearing up to launch a demo for their ‘snack ‘n slash’ action RPG Hangry, with said demo available to play June 10th – 17th. The team hopes it’ll provide vital hands-on feedback.

You play as the titular Hangry, a beastly blue brute who happens to be a mercenary for hire. They’re currently on the payroll of a seedy underworld diner, and tasked with heading into dangerous locations to hunt rare beasts. And then cook and eat them. New recipes provide Hangry with additional skills and abilities, provoking them to evolve.

It looks like we’re in for a loop for hunting, cooking, eating, and evolving – all in the name of a chance to crawl out of the criminal underworld. Both locations and the enemies within are food-based, including candy-coated realms – such as The Powered Coast – and beasts that resemble various foodstuffs.

Target formats are unclear, although it seems to be heading to PC, PlayStation and Xbox formats. Whether it’s PS5/Xbox Series only hasn’t been specified.