Flynn’s Arcade has a pretty good batting average when it comes to their range of $5 Switch games.
Their next release is a retro-style RPG with pixel art visuals, comprising of just eight colours. Turns out this fits into the theming incredibly well, with characters clearly based on a certain squad of monster fighting teens. It’s transformation time!
A homage to the tokusatsu genre, it’s a turn-based affair in which bosses can be picked freely. This is a tactical element, as new skills are gained from defeating these colossal aliens, and you’ll need the most powerful attacks available to harm bigger foes.

It seems a lot of time has also been spent fleshing out characters, as each heroine – described as dysfunctional – has a backstory and quirks. They’re of different ages too.
Story Mode will offer hints, dialogue, and character interactions. For those looking for a harder challenge, there’s the Arcade Mode that only grants a set number of turns.
The ‘+’ part of the game’s title relates to a new second chapter, set a year after the first, and involves the team tackling a villain known as White Guardian.
8-Colors Star Guardians + lands on Switch on January 11th. Here’s the trailer, in all its eight colour glory: