Give a big hand to Super Adventure Hand! – a new 3D platformer from DevM Games, creators of Moving Out. A couple of inspirations spring instantly to mind, including the Glover series (or would-be series if the sequel wasn’t canned) and The Addams Family’s handy helper Thing.
It does, however, look like it’ll be able to stand on its own five digits – traversal includes parkour, climbing, and the ability to get around with a skateboard and a toy car. The plot is equally farfetched, based around a missing arm – with the villains of this piece being stinky feet.

Over fifty stages will feature, with many presenting unique physics-based challenges to overcome. Everything from sawblades to raging infernos. It appears to be quite warped in design, with the trailer showing our finger-clicking hero lugging around trash bags and bouncing around on barrels.
Our hero can be customised too. What with? Watches, bracelets, rings, and nail polish of course.
There’s not long to wait until this nail-biting platformer. It’s due September 21st on PC (via Steam and Epic) and the Switch eShop, with demos available now. Handy, that.