Out this week: Hogwarts Legacy, The Redress of Mira, Raiden IV x MIKADO remix, Go! Go! PogoGirl, more

Doubtlessly fuelled by glowing previews, huge pre-order figures for Hogwarts Legacy suggest it’s going to be one of the biggest-selling games of 2023.

It certainly seems that the delay paid off, with pre-release footage showing off a huge, richly detailed, world to explore and combat that appears surprisingly deep. It’s the authentic Harry Potter experience fans have long lusted for.

However, it’s also one of the most controversial releases in some time – solely due to the association with J.K Rowling. It’s entirely up to you to make your own purchasing decision, but in this instance, definitely think twice about where your money is going. Rowling has upset a lot of communities recently.

It seems that most publishers have decided to stay clear of Hogwarts Legacy, as the rest of this week’s titles are mostly smaller titles or indie releases. These include the fantasy adventure The Redress of Mira, Ziggurat’s Prison Tycoon: Under New Management, a PlayStation and Xbox release of 2021’s Raiden IV x MIKADO remix, and the ‘90s style platformer Go! Go! PogoGirl.

We reviewed Raiden IV x MIKADO remix last week and found it to be an enticing package. It’s a little hard to recommend over Raiden V, though – Raiden IV is starting to show its age visually.

With rumours of a Nintendo Direct circling, we may see a few ‘shadow drop’ multiformat releases later this week. Check back on Thursday to see what’s hitting the Switch eShop.

New release trailers

Hogwarts Legacy – PS5/Xbox Series

The Redress of Mira

Prison Tycoon: Under New Management

Raiden IV x MIKADO remix

Go! Go! PogoGirl 

Looking for Aliens

Bumblebee – Little Bee Adventure 


New multiformat releases

  • Hogwarts Legacy  
  • The Redress of Mira
  • Go! Go! PogoGirl
  • Raiden IV x MIKADO remix
  • Prison Tycoon: Under New Management
  • Looking for Aliens
  • Touchdown Pinball

New on PSN

  • Dicey Dungeons – PS5
  • Arcade Archives PHELIOS

New on Xbox Store

  • Repentant 
  • Prizma Puzzle Prime
  • Alice in Wonderland – A Jigsaw Puzzle Tale
  • Hyper Shapes
  • Bumblebee – Little Bee Adventure
  • The Experiment: Escape Room 

Next week: Wild Hearts, Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, Wanted: Dead, Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society, Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition, Souls of Chronos, Ten Dates, Rooftop Renegade, Shadow Warrior 3: Definitive Edition, Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart, and Tales of Symphonia Remastered.