Wireframe magazine ends, final issue out now

UK-based publication Wireframe comes to an end this month, with the final issue (#70) hitting newsstands today.

Editor Ryan Lambie says farewell in a blog post, mentioning a “confluence of factors” are behind the closure.

Wireframe launched in 2018 and was originally released fortnightly for £3 an issue, supported by a free PDF version. Issue #39 saw the magazine go monthly and expand, and the price rising to £6.

The magazine’s intention was to ‘lift the lid’ on gaming, focusing heavily on development. While numerous big-budget games featured within its pages – with one issue dedicating a front cover to Cyberpunk 2077 – it was mostly skewed towards smaller indie releases. Retro gaming content also featured, alongside reviews. A good mix of new and old, we’re sure many would agree.

While it’s always sad to see a gaming magazine end, the team has plans for an evolution. A web-based future, perhaps. We wish them the best of luck.