If you enjoy games a little quirky and different, you’ll relish this week’s assortment of new releases.
Flying the flag for originality, we have the hyperactive arcade revival Windjammers 2, the canine snapping Pupperazzi, golf RPG hybrid RPGolf Legends, eccentric action RPG Nobody Saves the World – from the creators of Guacamelee – and the short PSone era-inspired horror Fatum Betula.
Nobody Saves the World, Windjammers 2, and Pupperazzi are debuting on Xbox Game Pass, we should note, along with the recently announced Hitman Trilogy.
Picross puzzler Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S isn’t something you’d typically expect to find on Xbox One, either. Times are changing.
Then on the more strait-laced (but not entirely so) side of things, there’s the top-down mech shooter/slasher Blackwind – the first retail release of the year, we believe – futuristic tunnel racer Gravity Chase, Ubisoft’s sci-fi slanted 1-3 player co-op shooter Rainbow Six Extraction, and the apocalypse survival sim DYSMANTLE.
A trio of retro-style platformers are due too – Jack ‘n’ Hat, Kinduo, and Pyramid Quest – while this week’s Arcade Archives re-release is Namco’s seldom seen Hopping Mappy.
New release trailers
Rainbow Six Extraction
Hitman Trilogy
Nobody Saves the World
Rise of the Third Power
RPGolf Legends
Windjammers 2
Gravity Chase
Queeny Army
Fatum Betula
Pyramid Quest
New multiformat releases
- Hitman Trilogy
- Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction
- Blackwind
- RPGolf Legends
- Windjammers 2
- Pyramid Quest
- Jack ‘n’ Hat
- Kinduo
- Dysmantle
New on PSN
- River City Girls – PS5
- Trigger Witch – PS5
- The Enigma Machine
- The Longest Road on Earth
- Queeny Army
- Arcade Archives: Hopping Mappy
- Battle Spirits: Connected Battlers
New on Xbox Store
- Nobody Saves the World
- Gravity Chase
- Fatum Betula
- Mousecraft
- Downslope
- Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S
- Pupperazzi
- Rise of the Third Power
New Switch retail releases
- Surviving the Aftermath
Next week: UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Rugby 22, Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2, S.W.A.N.: Chernobyl Unexplored, COGEN: Sword of Rewind, Vagante, Summertime Madness, Reverie Knights Tactics, Cannibal Cuisine, Cake Invaders, Hotel Life: A Resort Simulator, and Ghostrunner: Project_Hel.