Some gamers will have you believe there’s a new release dry spell currently. If you dislike games developed by renowned Japanese studios, detest anything quirky or different, or outright hate indie games – including luxurious looking retro revamps – then yes, there are no games out currently. Hit the ‘back’ button on your browser – there’s nothing for you here.
Moving on, the Xbox gains seventeen new releases alone this week, and the PS4 isn’t far off from receiving a similar amount, including the Atelier Mysterious Trilogy.
Nier Replicant Ver.1.22474487139 leads the way, being an enhanced version of a previously Japan-only prequel. That’s joined by SEGA’s next-gen version of Judgment, the well-received Yakuza-style investigative adventure.
MotoGP21 is out on all formats too, including PS5 and Switch, introducing the ‘Long Lap Penalty’ (whatever that is) and giving the chance to relive the history of MotoGP with over 40 historic riders.
On the indie side of things we can expect Battle Axe – the promising top-down arcade-style hack ‘n slash – action-platformer Smelter, pixel art Metroidvania The Skylia Prophecy, and the twin-stick puzzler World Splitter.
Then there’s Buildings Have Feelings Too! – a comical construction sim where the buildings are the stars, each with their own personalities.
The Xbox also gets the grotesque point ‘n click adventure Bad Dream: Coma and the cutesy educational title Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia, while following on from last week’s deluxe editions MLB The Show 21 hits Game Pass.
Evercade owners can also add two more carts to their collection. Piko Collection 2 includes Soccer Kid and 12 others, while Jaleco Collection 1 contains Rival Turf, Totally Rad, City Connection and seven more.
New release trailers
Nier Replicant Ver.1.22474487139
Buildings Have Feelings Too!
Battle Axe
World Splitter
The Skylia Prophecy
Bad Dream: Coma
New multiformat releases
- Nier Replicant Ver.1.22474487139
- MotoGP21
- Judgment
- Dungeon Escape
- Buildings Have Feelings Too!
- Smelter
- Battle Axe
- Angels of Death
- World Splitter
- Moon Raider
- Trails and Traces: The Tomb of Thomas Tew
- The Skylia Prophecy
New on PSN
- Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife
- Touhou Hyouibana ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers
- Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack
- ScourgeBringer
- Terra Trilogy
New on Xbox Store
- Borderlands 3: Director’s Cut
- Bad Dream: Coma
- MLB The Show 21
- Dead Dust
- AntVentor
- Dungeon and Gravestone
- Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia
New Switch retail releases
eShop round-up coming Thursday
- MotoGP21
- Urban Flow
- Zombieland: Double Tap – Road Trip
- Pure Pool
- Chess Ultra
- Piko Collection 2
- Jaleco Collection 1
Next week: New Pokemon Snap, Returnal, R-Type Final 2, Terminator: Resistance (PS5), Secret Neighbour (PS4), Cymatically Muffed, and Protocol.