Out this week: Watch_Dogs, Mario Kart 8, Worms Battlegrounds and more

We can’t muster up enough enthusiasm to check, but we’re pretty sure that May isn’t usually as busy as this for new releases. Two of the biggest games of the year, plus revivals of both Worms and Lemmings? In the words of Harry Hill, “What are the chances, eh?”


Releasing on no less than five formats, we don’t doubt for a single second that Watch_Dogs will come out on top in next week’s UK chart. That’s a no brainer, really. However, we’re very confident that Mario Kart 8 will make #2. LEGO The Hobbit aside, there hasn’t been a major Wii U retail release since Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. We could also see a few older Wii U games re-emerge in the top 40, following the predicted console sales spike. Mario Kart sells systems.

Reviews of Watch_Dogs went live on Tuesday and were mostly good – a mixture of 7s, 8s and 9s. General consensus has it that it’s not quite as ground breaking as Ubisoft has made out, but it’s still a very good game and also one that’s packed to the rafters with content.


As for Mario Kart 8, reviews would have us believe that it’s pretty much essential, even if you own a Wii U or not. The Metacritic presently stands tall at 88% from 61 critics. The only other retail release from this year to better it on Metacritic is Dark Souls II, in fact.

Shop around and you’ll find retailers offering a few decent deals. ShopTo are giving away a free T-shirt, while GAME are bundling it with a free Wii wheel.

There’s also the limited edition to consider, which comes with a blue shell statue. Nintendo themselves have put a bundle together too – £49.99 gets you the game, a keyring and a T-shirt.

Over on PS Vita, Borderlands 2 is making a belated appearance. Despite initial promise, the conversion has apparently ended up being botched, resulting in glitches galore. IGN’s review paints a very grim picture. Oh dear.


That aforementioned Worms game? Believe it or not, it’s actually a retail release. Worms Battlegrounds sees the spineless wigglers blasting one another to bits on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and at a budget price to boot. Expect to pay around £25-£30. Reviews so far include an 8/10 from TheSixthAxis and a 6/10 from Push Square.

PS Vita-exclusive Lemmings Touch likewise sticks to its 2D roots, developed by PlayStation Mobile studio d3t. As well as new costumes to unlock and objective-based challenges to beat, there’s also a new Lemming type – the Mischievous Lemming. These fellas aren’t required to be saved, prompting a ‘Game Over’ if one reaches the exit. We’re sure that there are plenty of ways for them to meet an unfortunate end. Digital Spy dished out a 4/5 for the £7.99 download earlier today.

Following on from last week’s R-Type Dimensions, Raiden IV: Overkill is making an appearance on PS3 this week, via PSN, priced at £15.99. Namco’s free-to-play Ace Combat Infinity also goes live.

This leaves us with The Wolf Among Us – Episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing. IGN reckons it marks a low point for the series but ends on a great cliff hanger while Destructoid said that “The Wolf Among Us: In Sheep’s Clothing isn’t a wholly satisfying penultimate episode, but it’s about on par with its predecessors in terms of quality”.

God is a Geek meant felt that it “doesn’t just match past efforts in the season – it surpasses them”. All reviewers agreed though that the final episode is going to have a lot of questions to answer. Which obviously isn’t a bad thing.

Next week: Murdered: Soul Suspect (PS4, PS3, 360, Xbox One, PC), Tomodachi Life (3DS), Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection (PS Vita), Farming Simulator 2014 (3DS, PS Vita) and PlayStation Pets (PS Vita).

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