Although we can’t vouch for quality, it’s hard not to be impressed by the number of new titles due on Nintendo’s download services this week – four on Wii U, and five on 3DS.
On Wii U there’s the 2D underwater tactical RPG Squids Odyssey (£9.99) and a bargain priced belated release of Swords & Soliders (£2.69), which is presumably to entice newcomers towards the upcoming sequel. As tower defence games go, it’s one of the better examples around. And at £2.69 it’s a done deal.
Then there’s Color Zen (£2.99), a simplistic abstract puzzler with no penalties for failure. The press release recommends playing it while wearing headphones, so expect it to be accompanied by some suitably ambient music.
Hot on the heels of last week’s Mr. Driller 2 on Wii U Virtual Console comes Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (£6.29), again from Namco. We don’t recall reviews for this one being glowing, but neither do we recall them being poor. We don’t doubt for a moment that this twee platformer is on someone’s ‘Virtual Console wants’ list – the Klonoa games managed to gain a small following back in the day.
As for the 3DS’s download schedule, PICROSS e4 leads the way. Don’t let the fact that it’s the fourth instalment put you off – there’s a tutorial for newcomers. This time round 20×15 puzzles have been added, bringing the total up to 150+. Those with save data from previous Picross games can also access some special puzzles.
Arriving for a penny less at £4.49, it’s Touch Battle Tank 3D 2 from Agetec. It offers 20 more stages over the original and double the amount of tanks – a grand total of two. One tank is designed for attacking, while the other for defence. The first game received a lukewarm 60% in the Official Nintendo Magazine. This sequel can only be better, right?
Cheaper still is Turtle Tale, priced at £2.49. The trailer suggests that this one is for the very young – a simplistic 2D platformer in which enemies are defeating using a water pistol. You’ll find no angst-ridden mutants here.
The NES’s Double Dragon II: The Revenge (£4.49) is the week’s only 3DS VC release, while movie tie-in Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return (£19.99) is the only 3DS release that’s also heading to retail this Friday.
There are only two discounts this week as well – an odd pairing of the apparently alright ‘Metroidvania’ AeternoBlade (£6.59) and Secrets of the Titanic 1912 (£4.99), which we presume is another one of those hidden object things.