This week’s UK top 40 sees Saints Row IV at the top spot for a third week running.
It’s available for £24.99 at most places now, suggesting that Deep Silver wants to sell as many copies as they can – even at a lower cost – before GTA V arrives next week.
The colourful crime caper is followed by two new arrivals – Sega’s Rome: Total War II at #2 and Diablo 3 at #3. Oh, that’s smooth.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist and Disney Infinity finish off the top 5.
Moving down a bit, we’ve got the PS Vita-exclusive Killzone Mercenary at #8.
Then at #9 it’s Rayman Legends, down from #6, with yet another new entry at #10 – Farming Simulator 2013.
It’ll be interesting to see where it moo-ves to next week.