An abundance of gamers must have spent their Bank Holiday weekend bashing in the skulls of zombies, because Dead Island: Riptide remains the UK’s number one for a second week running.
Injustice: Gods Among Us holds onto #2, Tomb Raider rises to #3, FIFA 13 is up from #7 to #4 and Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen drops from #3 to #5.
Last week’s new arrival Star Trek remains in the top 10, but only just – it’s down from #4 to #10.
3DS-exclusives LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins and Luigi’s Mansion 2 are still in the top 10 as well, at #8 and #9 respectively.
Last week was short on new releases, so the only other thing of note occurring in the chart is the PS Vita-exclusive Soul Sacrifice entering at #26. Considering it’s a sensible £29.99 to download from PSN there’s a chance a few people brought it that way instead of at retail, hence the relativity low placing.