Square-Enix still top dog

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 hasn’t been able to dislodge Sleeping Dogs from the top of this week’s UK chart, having to make to with #2 instead.

The individual format chart show us that the PlayStation 3 version has proven to be the most popular. In fact, the Xbox 360 version was outsold by The Sims 3: Supernatural.

Back to the all-formats. NHL 13 slides in at an impressive #9 placing. Max Payne 3 is back in at #10 due to price cuts but Darksiders II has left the top 10 this week, down from #9 to #17.

Spec Ops: The Line is this week’s biggest climber, rising up all the way from #37 to #16. It can be found for less than £20 both online and on the high street now, hence why it has risen.

Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted isn’t exactly a game we’ve been keeping an eye on, but we’re surprised to see it at #29 in the Wii chart this week as both Play and Amazon have it listed for a 12th October release. We can only assume that some copies have slipped out incredibly early.

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