It’s a third week on top for Future Solider

It would seem plenty of gamers have been spending the weekend playing Game of Thrones while sitting on their gamer thrones – it’s this week’s highest new entry, arriving at #6.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Solider is #1 for the third week running. The only other two games to stay at #1 for three weeks or more this year are FIFA 12 and FIFA Street.

Following behind to make up to the UK’s top five are Max Payne 3, FIFA 12, Battlefield 3 and Sniper Elite V2.

Rayman Origins has risen up slightly this week, going from #30 to #24. We assume that’s because of the newly released 3DS version. It’s in at #7 in the 3DS chart.

Stock replenishment of Diablo III has also helped Blizzard’s PC RPG re-enter the chart – it’s back in at #22 with sales up 543% from last week.

The wet and horrid weekend just gone was a perfect one for getting glued to a new RPG. We even managed to find time to defeat the notoriously tough Ur-Dragon in Dragon’s Dogma.

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