Team Bondi: where the badness happened

It’s been a busy few months for Team Bondi.

MAY: Their first game, L.A. Noire, is released to much acclaim, after seven years in the making.

JUNE: Freelance journalist Andrew McMillen sheds light on that development hell – in that it was hell for the people working on the game – via IGN.

JULY: McMillen follows that with further email evidence on Eurogamer.

AUGUST: Develop reports that the studio has pretty much been shut down, sold, declared bankrupt – something along those lines.

So, for the latest stop on our tour of the world of games via the medium of Google Street View, let’s pop over to Australia to visit the scene of the badness.

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45 Jones Street in the Ultimo district of Sydney is an interesting building. From the entrance (on the right), it appears to have just three levels. So Team Bondi being located on level 7 seems as implausible as anyone now wanting to work with studio boss Brendan McNamara.

But a peek around the corner explains all: four more levels fight for daylight as you descend a steep hill to the opposite side of the building.

Hopefully Team Bondi stuck to level 7, or at least the daylight levels. If they were using the virtually subterranean level 1, then that really would have been bleak for the poor folk working there.

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