“Buy me Bulletstorm, or go to Hell”

Hello, *expletive deleted*. You know which *expletive deleted* game is out today, don’t you? That’s right mother *expletive deleted*-ing Bulletstorm – a game best described as Gears of War meets The Club. Unlike *expletive deleted* Gears of War though, this is available for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Reviews have been mostly *expletive deleted* excellent including a *expletive deleted* 9 from Eurogamer. It has lots of *expletive deleted* swearing in it, if you haven’t guessed what we’re doing here.

However, the release of Bulletstorm may put PlayStation 3 owners in a quandary – Killzone 3 is out this week too. Nice planning, Sony. Reviews have been inconsistent – EDGE dished out a 7 and GamesMaster magazine gave it 77% while The Official US PlayStation Magazine handed out full marks (10/10). Would they really have given it anything less though?

If blood, guts and guns aren’t your thing then worry not – deBlob 2 and Kirby’s Epic Yarn are here and ready to bring an array of colours to your living room. Both are worth a purchase – deBlob 2 scored an 8 from EDGE, who are usually hard to please. The original deBlob was only on Wii and DS but this time round it’s out on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 too.

Another high scorer is PSP RGP Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, which gained 9/10s from Game Informer, Eurogamer and GameSpot. If you’re into your tactical RPGs it’s probably best you buy it sooner than later – it’s not hard to foresee games like this becoming uber rare in the future.

Gray Matter on PC and Xbox 360 looks like it could be of interest to adventure game fans – it’s a supernatural thriller from the writer behind the Gabriel Knight series. Like every other game I’ve mentioned so far, reviews have been good.

Atari released retro-revamp Haunted House on Xbox Live last year and now it’s out on Wii as a budget release. Unless they’ve given it a total overhaul, I can’t say it’s one to put on your shopping list. And as much as it pains me to say it, Dreamcast Collection on Xbox 360 also sounds like a sorry state of affairs. It contains just four games (Sonic Adventure, Space Channel 5, Get Bass and Crazy Taxi) and has an RRP of thirty ruddy quid. Yes, it’s a little cheaper than that on places like Amazon, but just four games? They could have at the very least put Rez on there which, like the other four games, has already been converted for Xbox Live Arcade. Grumble.

Next week: Pokémon Teal/Puce, Fight Night Champion, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Serious Sam HD: 1st/2nd Encounter, Hidden Photo, PopCap Hits Vol 2, Redken Busy Scissors and THQ’s Wii accessory uDraw.

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