Many years ago Codemasters announced a new Cannon Fodder for PSP. It was never released, but now some four years later it has been decided a new Cannon Fodder is a good idea after all. This time round though it’s merely ‘under license’ from Codemasters with Russian publisher GFI in charge.
Retaining the same cartoon-like violence, Cannon Fodder 3 will be viewed from an isometric perspective in full 3D with weather effects, destructible environment, physical water and all the other eye-candy that gamers now expect in their games. Missions will not only be set on Earth but on the Moon as well.
It’s in development for PC and Xbox 360, but whether it’ll be an Xbox Live Arcade game or not currently isn’t clear.
UPDATE: Codemasters has stepped in to point out that the licensing deal – which was inked way back in 2008 – only allows GFI to release the game in Russia.