When was Dead Rising 2 originally due to be released? I pre-ordered my copy a good six months ago and recall it knocking around on release lists months before that. It can’t be too far off from being finished now, as Capcom have revealed two different special edition packs.
The pack above is for North America only and includes a two-disc steelbook case, a Zombrex syringe pen, prescription notepad, prospectus sales brochure, safety card and a 48-page hardback Dead Rising 2 art book. The PlayStation 3 version comes with a Blu-Ray disc featuring a high definition making-of movie and with a voucher for a downloadable XMB theme. Xbox 360 owners meanwhile with get the same making-of movie on DVD, plus an 83-minute Zombrex Dead Rising Sun movie which is directed by Mega-Man creator Keiji Inafune.
$80 to you, my big American friend.
The European SE pack is slightly less exciting, containing only a zombie action figure (with two accessories – a Servbot head and a traffic cone) and a bonus disk which presumably contains the aforementioned making-of. I searched on all the big name online retailers but couldn’t find anybody offering it to pre-order yet.
If it arrives at retail for any less than £49.99 though, I’ll eat my own brain.