This Week’s Games
The new slimmer Xbox 360 is officially available from this Friday. I’ve had a quick scout of the big online UK retailers – Game, Play and GameStation are all sticking to the £199.99 RRP. ShopTo are selling it for £184.85 while Amazon has it for a fiver or so more at £189.99. Remember, if you’re “upgrading†from an existing Xbox 360 you’ll need the Hard Drive Transfer Kit to transfer all your saved games and stuff.
I can’t fathom why Microsoft didn’t push Crackdown 2 back a week to release alongside it, as the only Xbox 360 game out this week is Toy Story 3: The Videogame. I watched a video of it on Xbox Live and, amazingly, it doesn’t look too bad – as well as a story mode there’s a sandbox-style toy town with various challenges and pointless things to play around with. It’s out on PlayStation 3, PSP, Wii, DS and PC too.
The PSP version is also part of a new PSP 3000 bundle, available for £129 on Play.
Puzzle Quest 2 on DS may or may not be the only other game out this week – MCV says this week, Play says 24th July while Amazon says 10th September. Gah!
Next week: Dragon Quest IX, North American Hunting Extravaganza, Free Running and Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore.