UK Chart
Better late than never? Let’s find out!
Fight Night Round 4 – four of them already? – is new, and straight in at #1. Smashing the competition in the face, if you like. Below that, last week’s top four all shuffle down a place, so it’s Prototype – or [PROTOTYPE] as Chart Track prefer – is #2. I’m sure you can do the rest.
The new Transformers tie-in is in at #6, but could rise as more people go to see the film. It might also drop. Or stay where it is. Find out next week!
No sign yet of Ice Age 3, but surely that’ll surface next week.
Let’s polish off the other new entries: Overlord II at #17, yet another Guitar Hero (Greatest Hits in this case) at #18, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for PSP at #25, Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires – another, really? – at #31, add-on Spore: Galactic Adventures at #37, and Tales of Vesperia at at #38. Plus MySims Racing, in its second week, at #28.
Wii budget jobber Resident Evil Archives takes #8 in the prestigious Wii budget chart; Another Code: R is probably #18 in the full price Wii chart, but it’s down as Another Code: Two Memories, which by my reckoning is the DS game. Which makes my head hurt in this hot weather.