“A freakin’ 12 gauge, what do you think?”

UK Charts

Last year’s Hulk game was pretty pointless as an excellent Hulk game (The Hulk: Ultimate Destruction) had already been made. I’m wondering if the same is going to apply to X-Men Origins: Wolverine as 2003’s X-2: Wolverine’s Revenge is widely regarded by the fans to be a definitive Wolverine experience. It’s out on all formats (bar PSP) this week and with the movie out too it’ll no doubt get into the top #10.

There are also two other movie tie-ins out – Coraline, which I’m guessing is a bit rubbish due to the lack of publicity, and Hannah Montana: The Movie Game. Which I’m also guessing is rubbish.

On Wii there’s Marbles Balance Challenge, the sequel to Kororinpa, only this time you can use the balance board. Gaming’s favourite mother is back on DS with Gardening Mama, while Koch Media for some reason thought that Russell Grant’s Astrology would make a good DS game. Best stick to Rhythm Paradise, which has been popular with importers and Nintendo have promoted with funky shop displays.

Next Week: Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis, Velvet Assassin, Vertigo and Pool Hall Pro. Also: some Only Fools & Horses T-shirts. GAME, you plonker!

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