Three Cheers for the Little King

This Week’s Games

Rising Star’s Little King’s Story on Wii has been likened to Nintendo’s Pikmin. So what day did they choose to release it? On the same day as the Wii re-release of Pikmin 2, of course! Surely they can’t have planned for that to happen? Both are very good games though, and well worth a look if you fancy ordering around people to do your bidding.

If you fancy killing people instead of bossing them about (or simply don’t own a Wii) there’s The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It contains another yet another re-release, this time of Escape from Butcher Bay, plus an additional story to play through. Atari snapped this one up after Activision dropped it. Going by the glowing reviews they were wise to do so.

Anything else? Well, there’s Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 which is of niche appeal, Don King Boxing and Moto GP 08 on Wii and Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust on PlayStation 3. The Xbox 360 version is disastrous – nearly every mission is a tedious fetch quest and Larry’s unfinished animation causes many unfair deaths. You’d need serious dedication to play it all the way through to the end. That’s how bad it is.

Next week: X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Rhythm Paradise, Gardening Mama, Marbles: Balance Challenge, Coraline and Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce.

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