Happy Credit Crunchmas everybody!

UK Chart

So here it is, merry Christmas, everybody is kicking a piece of virtual spherical leather around. Yes, FIFA 09 is the Christmas number one. It’s EA’s sixth in eight years, so well done them. I’m just glad it wasn’t Need for Speed: Undercover.

Call of Duty: World of War, which was tipped for the top, settles for #2, followed by Mario Kart Wii, Need for Speed: Undercover, Dr. Kawasima’s Brain Training, Wii Play, Quantum of Solace, Professor Layton, Tomb Raider Underworld and Wii Fit.

Nintendo’s big Christmas games Wii Music and Animal Crossing: Let’s Buy It Again have to do with #31 and #32. Sony’s big hopes LittleBigPlanet and Resistance 2 are at #15 and #30. Then there are the Xbox 360 big guns: Gears of War 2 at #21, and Lips at #38.

The sales should shake things up a bit. Hopefully Mirror’s Edge will be on the rise seeing it’s been cut to £20 in a lot of places. We might see Prince of Persia and Fallout 3 rising back up into the top ten too.

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