Mahjong madness

This Week’s Games

Sega’s Yakuza 2 on PlayStation 2 could very well end up being the last decent PlayStation 2 exclusive. Sure, there are plenty of games still on the way for the aging format, but most are toned-down conversions. If you liked Shenmue then buy it – it has lots in common with Sega’s never-concluded trilogy.

There isn’t a great deal else out this week, apart from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on all formats – even PSP. The demo had 7 out of 10 written all over it – nice and shiny but a little tedious. Game are doing the Wii version, which has extra multiplayer arenas and stuff, for £29.99. There’s also the budget priced Warriors Orochi 2 for PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, which is yet another twist on the Dynasty Warriors series.

As always there’s a load of tat out on DS, including – rather stupidly – two Mahjong games from different publishers. One is spells it Mahjong, the other Mahjongg. Hmm!

Next week: Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway, DeBlob, Samba de Amigo and Sonic Chronicles.

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