This Week’s Games
The credit crunch seems to have rubbed off on the gaming world. Supreme Commander is out on Xbox 360 this week for a hefty £29.99. The PC version, which came out over a year and a half ago, can easily be found for around a fiver. Then there’s a belated appearance for Rock Band on Wii, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 which will set you back £130-odd. Isn’t the sequel out soon?
Speaking of belated appearances, the Wii and PlayStation 2 versions of Ferrari Challenge are out this week, while for some reason Activision has decided to release Pimp My Ride on Wii. There are also two very similar sounding DS games out – Picto Image from Sega and Bakushow from Rising Star. They’re both quiz games designed to be played with friends, taking the idea of the built-in Pictochat to another level.
TNA Impact is the biggest release of the week though, and will probably get quite high in the chart. It can’t be any worse than any of the recent WWE Smackdown games.
Next week: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Yakuza 2, and not one but two Mah Jong games for DS.