Too Human – too little, too late?

This Week’s Games

After a few dull weeks, some games of note have finally surfaced. Too Human is the first of Microsoft’s big push of first party titles, with the next being Fable II. Reviews haven’t been amazing, despite a solid four years in development (plus another four before that), and general opinion appears to be that it’s a fun but slightly repetitive hack and slasher.

Also out on 360 this week is Smash Court Tennis 3, while PGA Tour 09 is out on all formats. Ubisoft have slipped out Soul Calibur Legends on Wii, which received very poor import reviews, whereas Bangai’O Spirits on DS got the opposite including a perfect 10 from Eurogamer. It’s only £17 on Amazon too.

The Sims 2: Apartment Pets on DS will no doubt do well in the charts and I wouldn’t be surprised if Driving Theory Training gets into the top 40 either. Whatever next? A DS game that teaches you how to stop smoking? Ah, no, wait – Ubisoft have Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking on the way. Christ on a moped!

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