UK Chart
Lego Indiana Jones – which has been riding high since release – has been knocked all the way from the top of the chart to #5, with Wii Fit sitting atop the top 40 once again. The rubbish WALL-E stays at #2, with Mario Kart Wii at #3 and Guitar Hero: On Tour at #4. I’m a poet and I don’t know it.
There aren’t any new entries, but there are a few re-entries – More Brain Training at #22, Touchmaster at #26, Sega Superstars Tennis at #32 and our friend Imagine: Babies at #38.
Alone in the Dark – which Atari hoped to sell 3 million copies of – looks on its way out of the chart, currently at #36. Unreal Tournament III isn’t doing too well either at #37.