It looks like Alone in the Dark has turned out to be more than a glorified tech-demo, albeit only just. The average review score at the moment is 71 percent so it’s unlikely to be remembered as one of the best games of the year. The PlayStation 3 version has been pushed back a bit, but it’s out this week on Xbox 360, Wii, PC and also PlayStation 2. The Wii and PlayStation 2 versions have been developed by the people behind Obscure II. Which was alright.
Chances are that Core Crisis: Final Fantasy VII on PSP will actually manage to get into the top 40 chart. It’s the biggest game on the system since God of War a few months back. Codemasters’ jolly fun Overlord: Rising Hell gets a belated release on PlayStation 3, while The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is this week’s movie tie-in.
New International Track and Field on DS is meant to be pretty decent. It has been developed by Sumo – the guys who did the console conversions of Outrun 2 and Virtua Tennis – and stars a range of Konami characters including Solid Snake and Pyramid Head from Silent Hill. Then over on PC there’s the radically cheap SPORE: Creature Creator. Games Radar certainly had fun with their copy.
Next Week: Battlefield: Bad Company, Beijing 2008 and Guitar Hero Aerosmith.